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RareJob English Lab




スピークバディ パーソナルコーチング



成功したキャリアと成功した結婚を「両立させる」ことは可能です。大学教授であり作家であるジェニファー・ペトリグリエリが、あなたとパートナーが一緒に生きる上で、個々の望みを犠牲にすることなく、上手く選択をする方法を説明します(約4分)。Jennifer Petriglieri / How working couples can best support each other.






I’ve spent the last seven years studying working couples, and I’ve found that it’s not what couples choose, it’s how they choose.


[PR]まずは無料カウンセリング”続けるため”の オンライン英語コーチ「スピークバディ パーソナルコーチング」




Choosing well begins with understanding each other’s aspirations early on.


  • 1年に少なくとも2回は話し合いの時間を設けて、自分の望みを話し合う
  • 二人の会話をメモに書きとめる






You can do this agreeing on boundaries that make hard choices easier.


  • 時間的条件:週何時間労働か、休日は何曜日か。
  • 移動条件:転勤が発生した場合、どれくらいなら移動できるか。







If your choices are mainly driven by one partner or support one partner’s aspirations more than the other, an imbalance of power will develop.

That imbalance, I’ve found, is the reason most working couples who fail do so. Eventually, one gets fed up with being a prop rather than a partner.








It wasn’t what they chose, it was that they were choosing deliberately, and that made them feel closer and freer together.



It may sound strange to bring up work, but when we fall in love, we often consider what that love will do to our life, and our work and careers are a big part of that.


All working couples face hard choices, and these can feel like a zero-sum game. One partner gets offered a job in another city, so the other needs to leave their job and start over. One partner takes on more childcare and puts their career on hold so the other can pursue an exciting promotion. One gains and one loses. And while some couples who make these choices are satisfied, others regret them bitterly. What makes the difference?

I’ve spent the last seven years studying working couples, and I’ve found that it’s not what couples choose, it’s how they choose. Of course, we can’t control our circumstances, nor do we have limitless choices. But for those we do, how can couples choose well?

First: start early, long before you have something to decide. The moment you’re faced with a hard choice, say, whether one of you should go back to school or take a risky job offer, it’s too late. Choosing well begins with understanding each other’s aspirations early on — aspirations like wanting to start a small business, live close to extended family, save enough money to buy a house of our own or have another child.

Many of us measure our lives by comparing what we’re doing with our aspirations. When the gap is small, we feel content. When it’s large, we feel unhappy. And if we’re part of a couple, we place at least some of that blame with our partner.

Set aside time at least twice a year to discuss your aspirations. I’m a big fan of keeping a written record of these conversations. Putting pen to paper with our partners helps us remember each other’s aspirations and that we’re writing the story of our lives together.

Next: eliminate options that don’t support the life you want to live together. You can do this agreeing on boundaries that make hard choices easier. Boundaries like geography: Where would you like to live and work? Time: How many working hours a week will make family life possible? Travel: How much work travel can you really stand? Once you’ve agreed to your boundaries, the choice becomes easy when faced with an opportunity that falls outside of them. “I’m not going to interview for that job, because we’ve agreed we don’t want to move across country.” Or, “I’m going to cut back on my overtime because we’ve agreed it’s essential we spend more time together as a family.”

Couples who understand each other’s aspirations and commit to strong boundaries can let go of seemingly attractive opportunities without regret. If you’re faced with an opportunity that falls within your boundaries, then what matters is that the choices you make keep your couple in balance over time, even if they don’t perfectly align with both partners’ aspirations at the same time.

If your choices are mainly driven by one partner or support one partner’s aspirations more than the other, an imbalance of power will develop. That imbalance, I’ve found, is the reason most working couples who fail do so. Eventually, one gets fed up with being a prop rather than a partner.

To avoid this, track your decisions over time. Unlike your aspirations and boundaries, there’s no need to keep a detailed record of every decision you make. Just keep an open conversation going about how able each of you feel to shape decisions that affect you both.

How will you know you’ve chosen well? One common misunderstanding is that you can only know what choice is right in hindsight. And maybe it’s true we judge life backwards, but we must live it forwards. I’ve found that couples who look back on a choice as a good one did so not just because of the outcome eventually; they did it because that choice empowered them individually and as a couple as they made it. It wasn’t what they chose, it was that they were choosing deliberately, and that made them feel closer and freer together.


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短いTEDのおすすめ10選 5分でやる気UP!【仕事編・2】【TED 紹介・解説】TEDは4000を超える膨大な数の動画があります。しかし慣れないうちは、動画の探し方や視聴のコツが分かりませんよね。この記事では、5分でやる気がUPする短いTEDのおすすめ仕事術10選を、あらすじと一緒に紹介します。...

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TEDまとめ(1):エキスパートたちが贈る極上のメッセージ ライフハックとしてではなく、英語学習にも極めて有用なのが、著名人が10分程度のプレゼンを行うTEDです。 TED Talksと...