


TED Talksとは、あらゆる分野のエキスパートたちによるプレゼンテーションを無料で視聴できる動画配信サービスのことです。10年ほど前にサービスが開始されてから、政治、心理学、経済、日常生活などの幅広いコンテンツが視聴できることから人気を集めています。

RareJob English Lab




スピークバディ パーソナルコーチング



もう午前4時、大事な試験が8時間後に迫っています。何日も勉強してきましたが、まだ準備ができているような気がしません。もう1杯コーヒーを飲んで、もう何時間か詰め込み勉強をすべきでしょうか?それとも、もう寝るべきでしょうか?シャイ・マルクーは、いかに睡眠が脳を再構成して、記憶力が効果的に働くのに重要であるかを示して、後者の方がいいと述べます(約5分半)。Shai Marcu / The benefits of a good night’s sleep.








Sleep isn’t lost time, or just a way to rest when all our important work is done.


Instead, it’s a critical function, during which your body balances and regulates its vital systems, affecting respiration and regulating everything from circulation to growth and immune response.


[PR]睡眠の質を改善! 初回特別価格【送料無料】機能性表示食品【ぐっすりサフラン】





【脳トレコラム】第7回 エビングハウスの忘却曲線とは / 新日本速読研究会



Its role in long-term memory formation was demonstrated in the 1950s by Brenda Milner in her research with a patient known as H.M.

この実験では、海馬が脳から取り除かれると記憶力が低下したことが証明されました。海馬については、海馬 脳は疲れない (新潮文庫 新潮文庫) [ 池谷 裕二 ]に詳しく書かれているので、海馬の事をより深く知りたい人は参考になるでしょう。





そこから 海馬へと移り、そして皮質のニューロンが強化され、役割が高まるのです。

Sensory data is initially transcribed and temporarily recorded in the neurons as short-term memory.

From there, it travels to the hippocampus, which strengthens and enhances the neurons in that cortical area.






For example, memories that are formed in times of heightened feeling, or even stress, will be better recorded due to the hippocampus’ link with emotion.



[PR]無料会員登録。あなたにぴったりのカウンセラーに出会える! ココナラの【心のお悩み相談】




So hopefully you can see now that skimping on sleep not only harms your long-term health, but actually makes it less likely that you’ll retain all that knowledge and practice from the previous night, all of which just goes to affirm the wisdom of the phrase, “Sleep on it.”


頭の老廃物をしっかり排出―よく眠る事が大切なもう一つの理由(TED)【TED 紹介・解説】ジェフ・イリフ: よく眠る事が大切なもう一つの理由/脳はどうやって生命維持に必要な栄養素を得て、どうやって老廃物を取り除いているのでしょうか。新しい研究で分かった事は、それは睡眠と関係しているという事です(約12分)。そんなトークの詳細を紹介します。...


海馬 脳は疲れない (新潮文庫 新潮文庫) [ 池谷 裕二 ]


It’s 4 a.m., and the big test is in eight hours, followed by a piano recital. You’ve been studying and playing for days, but you still don’t feel ready for either. So, what can you do? Well, you can drink another cup of coffee and spend the next few hours cramming and practicing, but believe it or not, you might be better off closing the books, putting away the music, and going to sleep.


Sleep occupies nearly a third of our lives, but many of us give surprisingly little attention and care to it. This neglect is often the result of a major misunderstanding. Sleep isn’t lost time, or just a way to rest when all our important work is done. Instead, it’s a critical function, during which your body balances and regulates its vital systems, affecting respiration and regulating everything from circulation to growth and immune response.

That’s great, but you can worry about all those things after this test, right? Well, not so fast. It turns out that sleep is also crucial for your brain, with a fifth of your body’s circulatory blood being channeled to it as you drift off. And what goes on in your brain while you sleep is an intensely active period of restructuring that’s crucial for how our memory works.

At first glance, our ability to remember things doesn’t seem very impressive at all. 19th century psychologist Herman Ebbinghaus demonstrated that we normally forget 40% of new material within the first twenty minutes, a phenomenon known as the forgetting curve.

But this loss can be prevented through memory consolidation, the process by which information is moved from our fleeting short-term memory to our more durable long-term memory.

This consolidation occurs with the help of a major part of the brain, known as the hippocampus. Its role in long-term memory formation was demonstrated in the 1950s by Brenda Milner in her research with a patient known as H.M. After having his hippocampus removed, H.M.’s ability to form new short-term memories was damaged, but he was able to learn physical tasks through repetition. Due to the removal of his hippocampus, H.M.’s ability to form long-term memories was also damaged. What this case revealed, among other things, was that the hippocampus was specifically involved in the consolidation of long-term declarative memory, such as the facts and concepts you need to remember for that test, rather than procedural memory, such as the finger movements you need to master for that recital.

Milner’s findings, along with work by Eric Kandel in the 90’s, have given us our current model of how this consolidation process works. Sensory data is initially transcribed and temporarily recorded in the neurons as short-term memory. From there, it travels to the hippocampus, which strengthens and enhances the neurons in that cortical area. Thanks to the phenomenon of neuroplasticity, new synaptic buds are formed, allowing new connections between neurons, and strengthening the neural network where the information will be returned as long-term memory.

So why do we remember some things and not others? Well, there are a few ways to influence the extent and effectiveness of memory retention. For example, memories that are formed in times of heightened feeling, or even stress, will be better recorded due to the hippocampus’ link with emotion. But one of the major factors contributing to memory consolidation is, you guessed it, a good night’s sleep.

Sleep is composed of four stages, the deepest of which are known as slow-wave sleep and rapid eye movement. EEG machines monitoring people during these stages have shown electrical impulses moving between the brainstem, hippocampus, thalamus, and cortex, which serve as relay stations of memory formation. And the different stages of sleep have been shown to help consolidate different types of memories.

During the non-REM slow-wave sleep, declarative memory is encoded into a temporary store in the anterior part of the hippocampus. Through a continuing dialogue between the cortex and hippocampus, it is then repeatedly reactivated, driving its gradual redistribution to long-term storage in the cortex. REM sleep, on the other hand, with its similarity to waking brain activity, is associated with the consolidation of procedural memory. So based on the studies, going to sleep three hours after memorizing your formulas and one hour after practicing your scales would be the most ideal.

So hopefully you can see now that skimping on sleep not only harms your long-term health, but actually makes it less likely that you’ll retain all that knowledge and practice from the previous night, all of which just goes to affirm the wisdom of the phrase, “Sleep on it.” When you think about all the internal restructuring and forming of new connections that occurs while you slumber, you could even say that proper sleep will have you waking up every morning with a new and improved brain, ready to face the challenges ahead.


多忙は怠惰の隠れ蓑―成功の鍵とは? もっと睡眠をとりましょう(TED)【TED 紹介・解説】アリアナ・ハフィントン: 成功の鍵とは? もっと睡眠をとりましょう/睡眠不足を自慢げに話すのはやめましょう。睡眠で生産性や幸福を増加させ、我々を優れた意思決定者にしましょう(約4分半)。そんなトークの詳細を紹介します。...
知らずに取ると寝不足に?―カフェインとアルコールが睡眠に与える影響(TED)【TED 紹介・解説】マット・ウォーカー:カフェインとアルコールが睡眠に与える影響/カフェインで目が覚めて、アルコールで眠くなる。一般的にはそうですが、実はそんな単純な話ではありません(約5分)。そんなトークの詳細を紹介します。...
10分で意識改革!TEDのおすすめ動画10選【脳科学編】【TED 紹介・解説】TEDは4000を超える膨大な数の動画があります。しかし慣れないうちは、動画の探し方や視聴のコツが分かりませんよね。この記事では、見ると誰かに言いたくなるTEDのおすすめ動画10選【脳科学編】を、あらすじと一緒に紹介します。...

\ ほかにも気になるトークが満載! /

TEDまとめ(1):エキスパートたちが贈る極上のメッセージ ライフハックとしてではなく、英語学習にも極めて有用なのが、著名人が10分程度のプレゼンを行うTEDです。 TED Talksと...