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RareJob English Lab




スピークバディ パーソナルコーチング



鉛筆が六角形で黄色が定番になったのはどうして? 鉛筆店を営むキャロライン・ウィーバーが、鉛筆の心躍るような歴史へと誘います(約3分半)。Caroline Weaver / Why the pencil is perfect.






The pencil is a very simple object. It’s made of wood with some layers of paint an eraser and a core, which is made out of graphite, clay and water.

Yeah, it took hundreds of people over centuries to come to this design.


[PR]まずは無料カウンセリング”続けるため”の オンライン英語コーチ「スピークバディ パーソナルコーチング」



短い棒状に切った黒鉛に、糸や羊皮や紙を巻いたものがロンドンの路上で売られていました。字を書いたり、絵を描いたり、多くの場合は 農家や羊飼いが家畜に印をつけるのに使いました。

They cut it into small sticks and wrapped it in string
or sheepskin or paper and sold it on the streets of London to be used for writing or for drawing or, a lot of times, by farmers and shepherds,who used it to mark their animals.

一方、フランスではニコラ=ジャック・コンテという人が、黒鉛をすりつぶして、粉末の粘土と水を混ぜてペースト状にする方法を考案しました。このペーストを型で成形したあとに窯で焼くと、黒鉛の芯がとても丈夫になり、折れにくく、滑らかで、使いやすかったため、当時は 何よりも優れた筆記用具として重宝されました。驚く点は、この製法は現代に至るまで変わっていないということです。







世界初の黄色い鉛筆は「コヒノール 1500」です。

The attached eraser happened in 1858, when American stationer
Hymen Lipman patented the first pencil with an attached eraser, which really changed the pencil game.

The world’s first yellow pencil was the KOH-I-NOOR 1500.

この、「コヒノール 1500」の驚くべき点は、鉛筆を黄色で14回も塗装して端っこに14金をメッキしたことです。消しゴム付き鉛筆といえば金メッキ、もしくは金属がついていると思い出されたのであれば、この「コヒノール 1500」の影響がかなり強いということでしょう。それほど、消しゴム付き鉛筆といえばコレと思い出せるほど、定番商品であるといえます。






In my opinion, there’s nothing that can be done to make the pencil better than it is.

It’s perfect.



The sound is a really big part, I think, of the experience of using a pencil, and it has this really audible scratchiness.

The pencil is a very simple object. It’s made of wood with some layers of paint an eraser and a core, which is made out of graphite, clay and water. Yeah, it took hundreds of people over centuries to come to this design. And it’s that long history of collaboration that, to me, makes it a very perfect object.


The story of the pencil starts with graphite. People started finding really useful applications for this new substance. They cut it into small sticks and wrapped it in string or sheepskin or paper and sold it on the streets of London to be used for writing or for drawing or, a lot of times, by farmers and shepherds, who used it to mark their animals. Over in France, Nicolas-Jacques Conté figured out a method of grinding the graphite, mixing it with powdered clay and water to make a paste. From there, this paste was filled into a mold and fired in a kiln, and the result was a really strong graphite core that wasn’t breakable, that was smooth, usable — it was so much better than anything else that existed at the time, and to this day, that’s the method that’s still used in making pencils.

Meanwhile, over in America, in Concord, Massachusetts, it was Henry David Thoreau who came up with the grading scale for different hardnesses of pencil. It was graded one through four, number two being the ideal hardness for general use. The softer the pencil, the more graphite it had in it, and the darker and smoother the line will be. The firmer the pencil, the more clay it had in it and the lighter and finer it will be.

Originally, when pencils were handmade, they were made round. There was no easy way to make them, and it was the Americans who really mechanized the craft. A lot of people credit Joseph Dixon for being one of the first people to start developing actual machines to do things like cut wood slats, cut grooves into the wood, apply glue to them … And they figured out it was easier and less wasteful to do a hexagonal pencil, and so that became the standard.

Since the early days of pencils, people have loved that they can be erased. Originally, it was bread crumbs that were used to scratch away pencil marks and later, rubber and pumice. The attached eraser happened in 1858, when American stationer Hymen Lipman patented the first pencil with an attached eraser, which really changed the pencil game. The world’s first yellow pencil was the KOH-I-NOOR 1500. KOH-I-NOOR did this crazy thing where they painted this pencil with 14 coats of yellow paint and dipped the end in 14-carat gold.

There is a pencil for everyone, and every pencil has a story. The Blackwing 602 is famous for being used by a lot of writers, especially John Steinbeck and Vladimir Nabokov. And then, you have the Dixon pencil company. They’re responsible for the Dixon Ticonderoga. It’s an icon, it’s what people think of when they think of a pencil and what they think of when they think of school. And the pencil’s really a thing that, I think, the average user has never thought twice about, how it’s made or why it’s made the way it is, because it’s just always been that way.

In my opinion, there’s nothing that can be done to make the pencil better than it is. It’s perfect.


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TEDまとめ(1):エキスパートたちが贈る極上のメッセージ ライフハックとしてではなく、英語学習にも極めて有用なのが、著名人が10分程度のプレゼンを行うTEDです。 TED Talksと...